Monday, September 29, 2008
I'm getting ready for the fall!

The Seedall's latest report.
Well, about two weeks ago Bryson had gotten pink eye. I wasn't sure that it was an infection, so I decided to wait it out. So I kept him away from crowds for a few days, and when there wasn't a change in his health I called the nurse practicioner, and she gave me some drops that helped clear him up right away. Poor child, he was not feeling very well for a few days, it was pretty aweful. And in the middle of that I had gotten really sick, it started out as a bad sore throat. I had to take some antibiotics which helped the strep, and a few days later the pain traveled SLOWLY and PAINFULLY down my throat into my chest, and I was afraid I'd have to go back for broncitis. I was stuck at home for almost two weeks between Bryson and I, what misery. Branden was such a sweet heart through all of it. He did an awesome job taking care of us and tried to make meals and clean the house and do whatever he could to help. Thankfully he kept well through all of it. (I guess there is something to cheese crisps, which is the only thing he knows how to make.=) Now Bryson is pulling himself up onto everything, and along with that, banging his head on the fall down. He has this constant bruise from hitting the poor same spot every fall. But he won't let it stop him, he's a really tough kid. My favorite part is when he pulls himself up to the piano and will play with the keys for a long while... he's so cute. He is a great eater. He'll eat everything. He doesn't really have a preference for anything in paticular yet, which is nice because I can continue to feed him healthy. He is also always smiling at everyone, his looks and sounds are too adorable and pretty much attracts attention at any store we enter. Can you tell I'm a proud parent? Another thing about Bryson is that he likes to wear hats. I had his Old Navy cap on him all day and he didn't mind it one bit. And he looks so cute in hats, I'm glad he'll wear them. Well, that's all for now, I'll will keep you updated as it happens.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I Need Some Ideas!
Branden and I are going to Rocky Point in just a couple weeks with the Cook family. I don't know what to take with us for Bryson because we'll be camping. He's crawling and we'll be in the sand during the day and gravel at night, any ideas? Thanks!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
What's new with the Seedall's!
So Bryson had his six month shots just last week. He is in the 90% for height and weight. He is 20.2 lbs and 27 in. long. He is so heavy to carry for too long so I'm really grateful on the days we get to go shopping with Branden!
Lately we've been doing swimming lessons at the nearby pool, it's only .25 a class! Amazing, I know! Bryson loves it, that is, when he's not tired. I think his favorite part is when they pull out the pool toys and Bryson gets to chase after it. He slaps his hands against the water and occasionally frog hops towards the ball. And gets so excited when he finally gets it, his eyes get huge and he does this pucker thing with his lips.
And as of last week he is crawling! Well, I don't think he realizes what he's doing just yet, but he's really close. And the last couple of days he gets himself moving by doing this push up/ hand stand move and just scream because he gets so frustrated. But if he wants something bad enough he'll scream and grunt until he finally makes it. I hope he grows out of the grunting it's quite... loud...
Lately we've been doing swimming lessons at the nearby pool, it's only .25 a class! Amazing, I know! Bryson loves it, that is, when he's not tired. I think his favorite part is when they pull out the pool toys and Bryson gets to chase after it. He slaps his hands against the water and occasionally frog hops towards the ball. And gets so excited when he finally gets it, his eyes get huge and he does this pucker thing with his lips.
And as of last week he is crawling! Well, I don't think he realizes what he's doing just yet, but he's really close. And the last couple of days he gets himself moving by doing this push up/ hand stand move and just scream because he gets so frustrated. But if he wants something bad enough he'll scream and grunt until he finally makes it. I hope he grows out of the grunting it's quite... loud...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Family Pictures!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Bryson at his best!
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