One of the few family pictures that we have that everyone is decently happy. Trying to get us all dressed nicely for one picture is like trying to take a tropical vacation to Antartica. At least we have a picture, even if everyone isn't perfect. What am I talking about, this is perfection, is it not?

Having Kayla has really helped me grow as a person. I feel that I'm really learning what I'm capable of, and the down side-- what I'm not. I know I'm going to miss all these little moments that I have with my kids, even when there are so many more to come. I try hard to find the time to write in my journal because my memory is something I wish was a little stronger. Oh well... after twenty-seven years I'm beginning to come to terms with that fact. There are just some things I'm not willing to forget. I'd like everyone to know how grateful I am for forgiving friendships. Friends that understand that my follow through with certain activities are, at times, something to be desired when kids are added into the situation and although I would love to keep a playdate-- the night before was completely chaotic, and taking my nap for the day is just too tempting. I hate cancelling on people, I have a HUGE guilt complex. I just hope I can be as forgiving as those who are with me.

There are so few of these days anymore where Kayla sleeps the day away. I know I took advantage of those days while they were here, but now I find myself still wishing there were a few more moments like this. I am excited for her ever growing personality. Every time she catches you looking at her she always has a smile to share. She's going to be a talkative little girl too. I love when she works so hard to get sounds to come out, and the look on her face is priceless when they actually do come out! I'm not sure how many people suffer the same thing as I do, the second child photo-syndrome. I find that many days I forget to pull out my camera as often as I had with my first. Poor Kayla, not even one picture from our vacation last week. How terrible is that?! I promise to try harder!

Branden is finally able to take care of Kayla more, yeah! She wasn't going to anyone except me for a long while, longer than I care to remember. (Did I mention that she's only 3 months old!) But now that she getting older she's loving the time she gets to spend with her daddy. Branden is so proud when he can take the upset child and turn that frown upside down. I love that he can do that-- but it makes me just a little jealous. Especially when I've struggled and struggled trying to figure out what's upsetting her, and then he'll take her and she's happy in just a few short moments. But I'll take it! I'd like to mention that I find myself at the end of all my very long days thanking my Heavenly Father for a husband who cares more for the love of his family than all the money in the world. He really takes his role as a father and husband seriously, and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He completes my thoughts and understands me better than anyone has in my whole life. And believe me, that really says something!
My Little Monster! That name has rung true more in the last few weeks than in his almost two years he's been around. He loves to help me change diapers and hug and kiss and play with Kayla. It's so hard sometimes because I feel like I'm yelling at him so much to stop this or that-- leave her alone. He just is too little to really understand why it's not alright to drive a car on sister's head like mom does to me. He is so sweet, and it kills me when I look back on the day and feel like I didn't show enough how much I love him, and that things are different now, but a good different. I'm just grateful Heavenly Father blessed us with an unexpected blessing when he did, because if Bryson had to wait any longer for Kayla to grow up, I think the patience factor would wear out. He's already so impatient for his playmate to grow up.
Its funny you say you get a lil jelious when Brandon can calm her down. . . Im so use to being the only one Elizabeth wants that when she banged her head the other night and cried for dada I just stood next to him holding her with my arms out saying," YOU want mamma?" over and over until she had me hold her. at leaste we like our kids right? its not like we are dropping them off on some doorstep. . . .(NOTE TO OTHERS READING THIS IT IS AN INSIDE JOKE AND I WOULD NEVER DROP OFF MY SWEET BABIES)
I feel like I relive some of my past as I read over your blog. The days improve and life gets into a manageable groove. Hang in there a little longer and it will happen. You are a wonderful person with so much to give and love.
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