Friday, February 12, 2010

What a day!

Well, what can I say other than things happen for reasons. Not that we really know why, but it is nice when it turns out to be a blessing. Yesterday I made plans to go walking with my best friend and her neighbor. I was supposed to be at her house by 8:30. It was one of those mornings, (well, I have them every day) where it takes me a life time to get my head and body working at the same pace. As I'm rushing to get Kayla nursed, myself even just dressed, and my kids ready, I look at the clock and it's already 8:30! I'm not even out of the house yet! I grab everything I can and chase Bryson around the car to try and get him into his car seat. The only threat that seems to work is telling him that he won't get to see Elizabeth, Karla's daughter. They are best friends too. (Very convienent! Well, more like a blessing!) Anyway, I finally get him loaded in his car seat, and I have to back my car out and reposition it into the garage to be able to load Kayla in the car. I've tried just throwing her over Bryson's seat and threw out my back. So, now we do it the inconvienent way. Well, I'm rushing by this point, I'm so embarressed that it's taking me a lifetime to get myself over there. Not to mention my kids were still in their pj's and I didn't put on any makeup... where the time went, I'm not really sure... anywho, as I put my keys in the ignition and try turning it on, the engine doesn't turn over. OF COURSE! I tried three times, and with all the stress that was just about all I needed! I called Branden and told him the news, and then called Karla and told her the news. What a morning. I unloaded my kids and decided that we would just not do anything today. Branden finds out that Mazda doesn't replace batteries without a fee after the first year, unless it's a replaced battery, then it's covered for three years. There was a discrepency between the website and dealership, so he spent in total, about two hours, fighting with the company and finally won. We were getting a new battery. All the while Karla convinces me to come to lunch with her, and that all the carseat moving around would be worth it. Well, I took her up on her kindess, and moving all the carseats around was as big a headache as you can imagine. Thank you Karla! She was rewarded for her kindness. She opens her wallet, after ordering her food, and there were no cards or cash! I was trying to get them to move her order to the register I was at, when the manager, that was waiting on- her generously comp'd her meal. Wasn't that so sweet? Lucky girl! The best part was when we got back, put the kids down for naps, and we were able to sit and talk for maybe an hour. It's such a blessing to have special people in your life that go through the same things and help you to feel positive and even though we are super competitive, we're competitive for the good things in this life. We acknowledge it though, and hope that it will help us to uplift each other, and no one can benefit from it more than our families. Heavenly Father blesses our lives every day with special people, and situations to help you appreciate those things in your life that would otherwise go unnoticed. So all in all, when my husband came home to jump start my car and found out that I had just locked the steering column, and all that trouble he went through was in vain. I can find joy in finding my best friend, and stabalizing a friendship that will last for years to come. Dear Branden, my sweet heart, I really am sorry that I put you through all of that- I feel so embarressed!


Porter and Karla said...

dear branden,
thank you for forgiving your sweet wife for the headache she put you through. we already know we would be walking places by now if it were not for our kids that you and porter care so much about. I can assure you it was for the best and made both my and jamies day from the outcome of spending the day together therefore you get a happier wife as does porter from our great friendship. I promise to try to help jamie with anything broken next time instead of take her word.
thanks for helping make jamie who she is and the friend I adore, karla
p.s. at leaste you can pat yourself on the back for knowing in the end you stood your ground and won against the car dealership:)

Burklund Blogger said...

Sounds CRAZY! Days like that wear me out. I'm glad it all worked out, though... things have a tendency of working out. At least you weren't at the gas station or the zoo or someplace random and your car wouldn't start... another blessing.

TrishAnderson said...

Wow! That was a day. Glad it all turned out and that you have such a sweet guy to forgive so easily.

The Wolfes said...

I hate mornings most days! but that sounds like a crazy day. hopefully you got a good night sleep after that one!